How to Work from Home with Your Dog

A Orvis employee at his desk in his home office with his dog asleep on a bolster dog bed

An increase in the number of people who work from home coupled with a national boom in dog ownership means that the needs of workers and their dogs sometimes intersect. But while you’re focused on the screen, your dog might be more interested in a game of fetch. From how to set up the office, to create a daily schedule, to ways to engage your dog’s curiosity to avoid boredom, learn how to balance both your and your dog’s needs to ensure everyone is happy at work and play.

A black lab asleep on a gray bolster dog bed

Set Up Your Space

Put your dog’s bed near your work area where they can see you. This makes them more comfortable and makes it easier for you to recognize when they need something, such as to go outside for a quick break or just a little attention.

A woman wearing a blue zipneck sweatshirt walking her dog on an orange leash

Establish a Routine

A tired dog is a happy dog. Before work, start with some high-energy physical activity like fetch to burn off energy and help you stay productive when you start your workday. Take short breaks throughout the day to take your dog outside and work on short mentally stimulating exercises like hiding a treat around the house for your dog to sniff out and find. Or use the time to reinforce training, helping to keep your dog from getting bored while strengthening your connection. At lunchtime, head outside to help your pup burn off energy. Throw a frisbee, head to the dog park for socialization, or go for a walk together.

Tip: Keep your dog quiet in meetings by giving them a special treat or puzzle toy, a rubber toy smeared with dog-friendly peanut butter helps keep your dog occupied.

A woman leaning down to pet her dog who is laying in bolstered dog bed

Enjoy the Company

Working from home has plenty of challenges, but we’d say getting to spend all day with our dogs is a pretty great perk, too. Getting settled with your new office-mate may take a little adjusting, but with a little patience and these tips, we promise the work is well worth the reward.

Charley Perkins in a red On the Fly Polo sitting at his home office desk

How to Work at Home with Your Dog

Charley Perkins, an Orvis Men’s product strategist and part of the third generation of family ownership, shares some of his best tips for making life better and less stressful for both you and your pup during the workday.