“Great anglers know, the ideal fly rod becomes an extension of your arm.
New Helios Is an Extension of Your Mind.
After years in extensive development, I can say for certain there are zero compromises with these sticks. Just maximum performance that take the caster into complete flow-state accuracy, from eye to fly, picking targets and not just putting the shot in the box but putting it on the money. The only real excuse we all have left now is, well, fly selection.”
— Shawn Combs, Design & Development Director
The Most Accurate Fly Rod in the World
And we can prove it. With the most significant reduction in tip displacement ever measured, hit your target with laser precision.
Delivering Your Fly With Confidence—On Target, Every Time
Strategic reinforcement in the rod blank increases hoop strength and minimizes vibration, leading to a radical reduction in tip displacement.
Muscle & Mettle
Increased travel distance means more lifting power when a fish runs under the boat or thrashes at the net. Fight those last moments with confidence.
Less Swing Weight Without Compromise
A 10% reduction in levered swing weight equals a crisp and balanced feel that is virtually effortless for all-day casting without fatigue.
Distance & Finesse — A Quiver of Options in Two Series
Choose D for increased line speed and lifting power and F for ultimate sensitivity and delicate presentations with tippet protection.
The Most Accurate Tool for Every Job
Pro Pick: 9' 5WT F
Trout Series F
The ultimate tool for casting dry flies on light tippets to sipping trout, when success requires accuracy and delicate presentations.
Pro Pick: 9' 5WT D
Trout Series D
When the trout are a little farther out or you're battling wind, this rod gives you the extra oomph you need, without sacrificing precision.
Pro Pick: 9' 8WT D
Big Game Series
For bass to bluefin, ultimate fishability even when all the elements are against you.
Pro Pick: 10' 3WT F
Tactical Nymphing Series
For tight-line precision, with increased tip sensitivity to detect subtle strikes.
Pro Pick: 8'5 7WT D
Quick Shot 8'5" Series
Fast loading for working in tight quarters, where one cast might be all you get.
Pro Pick: 7'6 3WT F
Small-Stream Finesse Series
For exploring blue lines with a single fly box, in search of wild trout.
The Orvis Interchangeable Parts Program
Back on the Water in as Fast as Five Days
Given the consistency of our design, rodbuilding process, and inventory, you’re back on the water in as fast as five business days with a replacement section should the unfortunate happen. It’s not just a replacement, it’s an exact fit to blueprint specs—that is the Orvis part interchangeability promise.