Dog Gates and Doors

3 Results
$49 - $209
2 Colors
Panel Zig-Zag Dog Gates - CINNAMON Panel Zig-Zag Dog Gates - WHITE
$179 - $359


When choosing a dog gate, consider your dog’s size and where you intend to install the gate. A wide doorway requires a gate that expands. A pressure-mounted gate must be designed to span the entire doorway; the gate’s integrity may be compromised if it is stretched to its limit, making it weak in the center and prone to popping out. An easy-open, hands-free gate is a convenient option in areas with heavy traffic. Plastic and wood can’t hold up against your canine’s canines—if your dog has a tendency to chew, a metal gate is the best option. Think about the installation method, gate style, material, and how you will use the gate.

  • Freestanding dog gates move easily from place to place, so you can designate boundaries as necessary, or set up multiple convertible gates to define a play area for your pet. Use a freestanding gate in a doorway, as a zig-zag barrier, or pushed against a wall to create a temporary crate.
  • Pressure-mounted gates offer tool-free installation. These gates do not require holes or drilling; they’re held in place instead by rods adjusted to press against the door frame or wall.
  • Permanent, hardware-mounted gates are secured directly to the walls in your home. While this is the most secure type of gate, it may be an issue if your residence is a rental or you need a gate you can move.

To choose the right dog gate size, measure the width of your door and the height of your dog. If you have a puppy, the size of the dog gate should accommodate how big she’ll be when she is full grown. Measure the width of the opening you intend to gate. Select the corresponding dog gate measurement. If you have an extra wide opening, purchase a multi-panel dog gate or one with panel extensions.

Your dog gate should be high enough so your dog cannot jump it easily. We offer shorter gates for smaller breeds and taller gates for larger dogs. Our tallest gate is 38½” high.

A portable dog gate or pressure-mounted dog gate is easy to move from room to room. Freestanding, multi-panel dog gates often fold up for easy transport as well.

Sturdy, Reliable Dog Gates

Browse Orvis dog gates and discover the best indoor options for containing your pet, from doorframe or freestanding gates to hybrid gate-and-crate combos. Our indoor dog gates offer smart solutions for creating pet boundaries inside your home wherever you need them. Use a freestanding wood style or an easy-mount metal dog gate to separate a new dog from your existing family pets while they acclimate to each other, or to contain a puppy or new dog in training until they’re trustworthy in other parts of the house. To give your good girl access to rooms, but with walk-through convenience for you, choose a wall-mounted dog door. Because ours are designed for aesthetics as well as function, they’ll complement any interior space—their handsome looks are just one more reason ours are the best dog gates around. But while pet gates are an easy and attractive way to create dog-friendly spaces in your home, remember these four safety rules: 1. Opt for a sturdy gate designed specifically for use with pets, rather than a baby gate. 2. Lock the gate—crafty canines may become expert gate-openers if the gate is simply latched, but a locked gate keeps the space secure. 3. A dog gate is not a substitution for supervision: While it does provide boundaries, determined pets may jump or climb over a gate if left unattended. And 4. Never install a gate with a lower bar at the top of a stairway, as this increases the risk of tripping. Set boundaries to keep your companion safe—but allow her some freedom—with a sturdy Orvis dog gate.