Minam Store Outfitters
Orvis-Endorsed Wingshooting Outfitter in Hells Canyon and surrounding areas of NE Oregon.
Minam Store Outfitters
Orvis-Endorsed Wingshooting Outfitter in Hells Canyon and surrounding areas of NE Oregon.
100% customer satisfaction has been our commitment since 1856. It's who we are. If you aren't happy with a product or service, we want to know about it. And we'll make it right.
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Lodging Details
- Up to nine guests per trip
- Wall tents, cots, and sleeping pads provided for each river camp
Your Time With Us
Meet your guide crew at the raft put-in location (Hells Canyon Dam for September Idaho-only hunts or Pittsburg Landing for October Oregon hunts).
A typical day on the river:
6:00 AM: Coffee and tea are ready.
7:00 AM: Hot Breakfast is served.
8:00–9:00 AM: Begin hunting from camp or float downstream to begin your hunt.
12:00: Take a break somewhere high on a bench overlooking the river and enjoy a hearty sack lunch and fantastic scenery. Breathe it all in!
Mid Afternoon: Head back to camp or to your boat to float the rest of the way to camp. Opportunity to throw a line in the water for bass, trout, steelhead, or salmon.
5:00: Arrive to a pre-set camp and derig in your personal wall tent while the guides take care of the boats, dogs, and prepare dinner.
6:00: Enjoy a great meal riverside in the deepest gorge in North America!
The Area
The Snake River divides the states of Oregon and Idaho. Since the Idaho opener is several weeks before the Oregon opener, we begin hunting between Hells Canyon Dam and Pittsburg Landing the 3rd Saturday in September. This upper section of Hells Canyon is the deepest and has a few large whitewater rapids. It also has incredible geology, well-preserved homesteads, and myriads of historical Native American and Chinese mining sites. The upper section has slightly steeper terrain (on average) than the lower section below Pittsburg Landing. We focus primarily on chukar, Hun's, valley quail, and turkey in this area.
Below Pittsburg Landing, the canyon walls are slightly less steep, and we have opportunities to not only find chukar, Huns, valley quail, and turkey, but we also find mountain quail and ruffed grouse. North America's largest quail species (mountain quail) also live in the deepest gorge in North America! This river section is slower on average (with class II rapids). The beauty of the canyon does not disappoint. And it’s the owner Grant's favorite section to guide, since his family homesteaded here, and he gets to float by ranches that his parents to great-great-grandparents lived and worked on since about 1900.
Where should I fly into?
The closest large airports are Boise, ID and Tri-Cities, WA. Lewiston, ID also has some flights and there is a small airport in Walla Walla, WA.
Where should I stay the night before the trip?
If you are launching from Hells Canyon Dam, you should stay in Enterprise, Oregon or somewhere between Boise, ID and Cambridge, ID (depending on which direction you’re coming from). If you are launching from Pittsburg Landing, you can stay in Whitebird, ID or Grangeville, ID.
How far of a drive is it to the put-in?
- Enterprise to Hells Canyon Dam boat ramp: 3-hr
- Boise Airport to Hells Canyon Dam: 3.5-hr
- Frontier Motel in Cambridge Idaho to Hells Canyon Dam: 1-hr 45-min
- Whitebird, ID to Pittsburg Landing: 1-hr
- Grangeville, ID to Pittsburg Landing: 1-hr 15-min
How far of a drive is it from the takeout to the airport?
- Pittsburg Landing-Boise: 4-hr 45-min
- Pittsburg Landing-Tri Cities: 5-hr
- Pittsburg Landing-Lewiston: 2-hr 34-min
- Pittsburg Landing-Walla Walla: 4-hr 15-min
- Heller Bar-Lewiston: 46 minutes
- Heller Bar-Walla Walla: 2-hr 34-min
- Heller Bar-Tri Cities: 3-hr
- Heller Bar-Boise: 5-hr 45-min