Spread Oaks Lodge
Orvis-endorsed wingshooting lodge located 90 miles south of Houston, Texas.
Spread Oaks Lodge
Orvis-endorsed wingshooting lodge located 90 miles south of Houston, Texas.
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Spread Oaks Lodge
Orvis-Endorsed Wingshooting Lodge
(210) 863-1857 info@spreadoaksranch.com spreadoaksranch.com
Lodging Details
Main House: The expansive great room with its massive fireplace and stone interior walls is at the heart of the 15,000-square-foot Main House. Spread Oaks Ranch pricing is all inclusive for premium lodging, chef-prepared cuisine, open bar, and fine wines. We have a 12 ensuite room lodge comprised of seven rooms with king beds and five rooms with double queen beds.
Quarters: In addition to the Main House Suite, the ranch has three casitas with private bathrooms, plus a bunkhouse with six beds and two spacious bathrooms and an adjacent game room. And the new Old Three Hundred offers eight rooms, 12 beds, 8 and a half baths.
Your Time With Us
Our waterfowl season starts in September with the 16-day Central Flyway Teal Season. Awaken in the predawn to a enjoy a spectacular sunrise and the sights and sounds of teal strafing your decoys in groups of one or two to several hundred. Then, in November through January, we celebrate the fall and winter regular duck season.
Upland Bird Preserve Hunt: Classic upland bird preserve shoot through third-party vendors. Witness your upland guide working well-trained pointers, flushing and retrieving dogs that send chukar, quick quail, and pheasants skyward.
You’ll hunt October through mid-April. Pricing available upon request.
Continental Pheasant Tower Shoot: Reminiscent of the classic European driven hunts. It’s a challenging test for novice and experienced wing shooters alike.
Spread Oaks Lodge offers premier saltwater fishing! We’re only 30 minutes from Matagorda’s renowned East and West Bays and have licensed charter captains at the ready.
The Hunting & Fishing
The ultimate outdoor experience for the discerning hunter and naturalist. Join us and go deeper into the Heart of Texas. A harmonious system for wildlife in a setting of ancient live oaks mottes, coastal prairie, and river bottom wetlands. The ranch is situated within the apex of the Texas mid-coast Central Flyway renowned for its concentration of wintering waterfowl and other migratory birds.
Our habitat and conservation efforts are focused on creating a world-class environment for waterfowl and whitetail deer. We have over 500 acres of water in 30 units, both natural and restored. Our native river bottom whitetail herd is prolific, and we offer quality genetics in our high fence.
Developing the ideal habitat: The habitat at Spread Oaks Ranch is managed not only for waterfowl and whitetail deer, but for throngs of other game and nongame wildlife— “setting the table” for them, so to speak, to provide the quality wild foodstuffs, habitat, and sufficient resting areas these wild creatures need to thrive. Other wildlife, including bald eagles, alligators, wild hogs, coyotes, myriad species of songbirds, shorebirds, and even an occasional bobcat roam the property.
How many guests can I bring to Spread Oaks Ranch?
We offer a lodge bookout package in which you will be the only party at the ranch. During the hunting season there is a 10 person-minimum and 12-person maximum. During our social season, we can accommodate 22 people.
What does the hunting season package include?
Each hunting season package comes with two standard core ranch activities, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. A typical schedule consists of a hunt for ducks in the morning, and a deer and/or hog hunt in the afternoon.
Does the ranch provide gear for waterfowl hunting?
No. Waterfowling is a gear intensive sport, and we strongly advise that you bring what you will need for all types of hunts and weather. We have an on-site Orvis pro shop with assorted hunting gear for purchase.