How To Choose The Right Shotgun Choke

A broken open shotgun, showing two loaded shells

Choke is constriction built into the final few inches of a shotgun's barrel. Unlike rifles, which fire single bullets, shotguns fire clouds of shot. Choke adjusts this cloud to be either very diffused, very concentrated, or somewhere in between. We’ll explain shotgun choke pattern, lay out the standard measurements, and describe how much choke you need in your shotgun for upland and waterfowl hunting. Read on to learn more.

A Brief History Of Shotgun Choke

If you could travel back to the 1860s, the shotguns you would find hunters using wouldn't be that different from what we use today. They would still have barrels and a stock. And they would still have hammers and triggers. But almost all would lack a feature we consider essential today: choke.

In 1866, an American gunsmith and British gunmaker—Sylvester Roper and W. R. Pape—filed patents for choke designs. Roper's patent was filed first and today he's credited as the inventor of choke.

Shotgun Barrel Anatomy

A shotgun barrel is basically a pipe. On one end is the chamber, at the other is the muzzle. The chamber is where you insert the shell; the muzzle is where the shot leaves the gun. Between the chamber and the muzzle lie the forcing cone, the bore, and the choke.

How A Shotgun’s Choke Affects Shot Pattern

When you fire a shotgun, the shell releases a column of shot into the forcing cone. As this shot column proceeds forward, it moves into the bore and then through the choke and out the muzzle. The internal diameter of the choke is smaller than the diameter of the bore. This restriction ‘squeezes’ the shot column and affects the pattern it produces.

What Are Shot Patterns?

Shot patterns are flat, 30-inch circles which show how shot pellets are concentrated at different distances from a gun. For a pattern to kill a bird or break targets, it must contain a certain number of pellets at various ranges.

What Are Choke Types And Measurements?

The measurement for each type of choke corresponds to the percentage of shot the barrel places in a pattern at 40 yards:

  • Cylinder: 30% – 40%
  • Improved Cylinder: 50%
  • Light Modified: 55%
  • Modified: 60%
  • Improved Modified: 65%
  • Full: 70% – 75%
  • Extra full: 76% or more

12-Gauge Shotgun Chokes

For 12-gauge shotguns shooting standard loads, here's a summary of different chokes and their effectiveness:

  • Cylinder: Restriction, zero. Effective range, under 20 yards
  • Improved Cylinder: Restriction, .010”. Effective range, 25 yards
  • Light Modified: Restriction, .015”. Effective range, 30 yards
  • Modified: Restriction, .020”. Effective range, just over 30 yards
  • Improved Modified: Restriction, .025”. Effective range, 35 yards
  • Full: Restriction, .035”. Effective range, 40 yards +
  • Extra Full: Restriction, .040”. Effective range, 40 yards ++

In other words, the more choke in a shotgun barrel, the farther it can reliably kill game and break targets.

The Right Shotgun Chokes For The Uplands

For upland hunting, all you need is a little choke—Improved Cylinder is plenty. If you’re shooting a double-barrel shotgun, Improved Cylinder and Modified is an ideal setup. Reason: Most upland hunting is a close-range game, especially if you're in alder thickets, poplar stands, or shelterbelts. In these covers, most shots will be between 15 and 25 yards. (If your game gets farther out, your chances of having a clear shot will diminish.)

The Right Shotgun Chokes For Waterfowl

Improved Cylinder is a fine shotgun choke for duck hunting. Reason: Like in the uplands, most duck hunting happens within 30 yards, especially if you're jump shooting or using decoys. But choose Modified if you're going after Canada Geese. If you're using a double-barrel shotgun, Improved Cylinder and Modified will do it all.

For pass shooting—especially geese—you'll want to tighten things up. Improved Modified is a good, all-around choice. If you're shooting a double, Improved Modified and Full will give you the reach and back up your need to drop distant, fast moving birds.

Note: Steel shot patterns tighter than lead. So, if you're shooting steel through a barrel choked Improved Cylinder, your patterns probably look like they're coming out of a barrel choked Modified.

Can You Have Too Much Shotgun Choke?

Absolutely. In fact, many shooters use too much choke. Instead of helping them hit more targets, too much choke causes more misses.

Remember, choke concentrates your shot and puts more pellets in a 30” circle. Patterns that are evenly dispersed throughout this 30” circle give you a broad area to hit a bird or bust a clay. Tightly concentrated patterns give you a smaller area to hit your target.

It doesn't take a lot of lead to down game birds like quail, grouse, and chukars. A couple pellets are plenty. So to shoot these game birds with success, a wider pattern is better—Improved Cylinder is fine. Pheasants, bigger ducks, and geese are tougher birds to put down, but don't think you need Full or Extra Full chokes for success. In most instances, Modified is more than enough.

Shooting Skills Still Matter

Like swinging a golf club or a tennis racket, shooting a shotgun well has more to do with the person shooting it than with the firearm they’re using. While choke can help you hit more targets or down more game, it can't make you a better shooter. Even though screw-in chokes are one of the greatest benefits of modern shotguns, swapping them in and out all the time isn't necessary.

Instead, try to do most of your shooting with one all-around choke, like Improved Cylinder or Improved Cylinder and Modified. Then focus your effort on mounting your gun and placing your pattern on your target. If you do those two things right, you'll shoot well, regardless of how much choke is in your barrel.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the tightest choke for a 12-gauge shotgun?

Extra Full is the tightest choke for a 12-gauge, with a restriction of .040” and a range of 40++ yards.

What choke should you use for 35 yards?

A 12-gauge shotgun with an Improved Modified choke has a range of 35 yards.

What choke gives you the greatest range?

Extra Full choke has the greatest range, at 40++ yards.

What is the best shotgun choke for quail hunting?

Improved Cylinder is an ideal choke for hunting quail.

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